Legal Requirements for Entries
Do you have a towing vehicle, if so you probably need a Vehicle Special Order (VSO) and a Road Crew Policy?
Vehicle Special Order (VSO)
If your entry has a towing vehicle and a trailer and is carrying passengers your club is required to obtain a VSO from the Department of Transport.
A working sub-committee that can assist you in getting a VSO has been set up, from getting your entry verified to completing all the paperwork. At the present time this service is available free of charge to all entries.
For enquiries relating to the VSO, please contact Mel Horner.
If you would like to view or copy the Carnival Handbook (revised 2024) it can be found here.
Further information on the VSO can be found on the Avon and Somerset Constabulary website.
Road Crew Policy
In order to ensure a safe carnival for entrants and the public alike it is essential that you have taken steps to have adequate road crew to see your entry along the procession routes, recommendations on the number of road crew expected are in the Conditions of Entry, but can be exceeded if your Risk Assessment suggests otherwise.
To comply each entry needs to keep a record of the road crew travelling with their cart at each carnival, their names and positions should be documented prior to the procession pulling off and the list should be available for inspection if required? Each entry takes full responsibility for ensuring their entry is safe to take part in the procession with adequate road crew positioned at predefined points around the entry.
A Road Crew Briefing Form for completion can be downloaded, one of these forms should be completed for every carnival procession you enter or other movement of your entry. Once completed prior to pulling off the form should remain with the entry in case it needs to be examined.
Do you have personnel 16 years of age or under, if so you may need a Child Protection Policy?
Child Protection Policy
In order to ensure the safety of children or vulnerable adults each entry is expected to have a policy in place, the entry requirement is:
I understand It is good practice and the responsibility of the entrant to have a child protection policy in place if anybody connected with the entry is 16 years of age or under.
I agree that by signing this entry form I am confirming that my/our entry will conform to one of the two options below:
· a) Your group entry have personnel 18 years of age and under and you have a current Child Protection Policy in place, or
· b) You are an individual entrant 18 years of age or under and will have a legal Parent/Guardian present while in procession.
Failure to confirm your entry is covered by one of the above options will result in the entry not being accepted into any of the Somerset County Guy Fawkes Carnivals.
Failure to accept the above will mean you entry will be rejected!
A template for a Child Protection Policy can be found here.
If you require more information on becoming a chaperone please see the information sheet from Somerset County Council.
Declaration Form
In order to ensure all entries with a vehicle are complying with all the legal requirements the declaration form that many of the entries who enter Bridgwater will be already aware of has been amended to cover all county carnivals including Midsomer Norton. Meaning you only have to complete the form once, see Information sheet issued by the S.C.G.F.C.A.
Entries should hand the Declaration Form in at the first county carnival they attend which for many will be Bridgwater, if you are entering Bridgwater you will be sent the declaration form with your entry number, if your first carnival is not Bridgwater then you will need to print off a copy and hand it in when you arrive at your first carnival.
SCGFCA - Recomended Dispute Procedure
As with everything sometimes things go wrong so this procedure is to be used if necessary to sort any dispute between entries and town committees.
Your co-operation in keeping our Carnival Processions safe and enjoyable for all is appreciated!​